
Friday, April 15, 2022

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

The Walking Dead was filled with tense moments and featured plenty of scenes that were hard to watch at first, and even harder on repeat viewings.

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

Every fan of The Walking Dead knows that the show is famous for its hideous zombies that threaten lives constantly. But it is not only these dead bodies walking around that scare viewers and make each episode be filled with thrilling suspense. There have been brutal villains who have proved to be much more terrifying, whether on physical or emotional levels.

The widely successful series continues to surprise fans, season after season, and it still is one of the longest-running TV shows ever. To this day, fans have banded together through this uncertain post-apocalyptic world that these scary creatures have created.

10 Sophia Is Found As A Zombie

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

This young character's death became one of the most memorable ones. Many viewers got chills down their spine and tears welled up when the group found Sophia-turned-zombie walking out of a barn. Not only had Carol's twelve-year-old daughter's search been a long one throughout season 2, but the audience also connected deeply with the death of an important kid for the very first time.

Even though her appearance ended in tragedy, with Rick shooting at her head, this event served to further develop Carol and Daryl's characters, who went on to become the most iconic ones in the series.

9 Rick's First Encounter With A Walker Mob

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

Every original fan of the show remembers when Rick Grimes woke up at a hospital in Atlanta at the start the show, completely unaware that there had been a zombie outbreak. He struggled to understand what had happened and came across walkers individually or in small groups.

When he eventually encountered a mob of them, the entire vibe changed into a much scarier one and he got refuge in a tank in order to save his life. Viewers felt the immediate threat of thousands of the undead coming close and were also trying to understand just how dangerous these creatures could be.

8 Michonne Finds The Governor's Daughter

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

When the Governor - the first major villain of TWD - was introduced to the series, fans were on the edge of their seats anytime they saw him. Tensions with the group grew fast and Michonne was particularly affected by this evil guy. She discovered his weird artifacts as well as his zombie daughter locked in a room. Weirdly enough, when he found Michonne about to "kill" his daughter, viewers weren't sure if they should empathize with his evident worry and sense of protection towards his kid.

The whole scene is nerve-wracking because not only had fans never seen him so humble begging the woman to keep "his little girl" alive but when she killed her, their physical confrontation escalated horribly. It wasn't until Andrea stepped in that this battle ended.

7 Lizzie's Murder

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

While fans have always known that no character is safe from death in this zombie-infested wasteland, there have been death scenes that were more uncomfortable to watch than others. Naturally, this is especially true when it comes to children and humans killing them.

But when Lizzie killed her sister Mika in season 4, a heartbroken Carol was forced to take matters into her own hands and murder the child for the sake of protecting others. Fans were cowering behind their hands at this moment but Lizzie was an imminent threat to anyone around her and, unfortunately, could not be trusted in this tragic apocalyptic scenario.

6 A Walker Split in Half

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

Walkers, roamers, lurkers, biters, zombies, or whatever you want to call them, are an ever-present force in this post-apocalyptic reality. Audiences have gotten used to seeing these "beings" presenting disgusting physical features that are dreadful just by themselves. But some are more sickening to look at than others, like those who have sat in water for too long, becoming extremely bloated and weathered from the exposure.

Back in the earlier seasons, there was a scene that is still one of the most vomit-worthy ones to date. A waterlogged walker in a well was extracted by the group and once he made it to the top, his body ripped apart and his organs suddenly came tumbling out, contaminating the cleaned water.

5 Rick Biting Joe

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

As a horror series, TWD has to include a decent number of horror moments to captivate viewers who love to indulge in slaughtering, twisted zombie-shows. Nowadays, the carnage terror has become much more palpable than in the beginning. A turning point for fans was a scene in the fourth season's finale where Rick Grimes took a mighty disgusting action as a desperate father.

Realizing that a villain could potentially assault Carl, he had a manic episode as he bit and chomped a chunk out of this guy's neck, tearing his jugular vein right out. Suddenly, savagery was on display for everyone to watch in a ruthless confrontation that, to this day, can be really hard to rewatch.

4 Tyreese's Death

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

One of the most beloved characters, Tyreese's death came as a saddening surprise. This moment never fails to be tear-jerking when rewatched and it was yet another reminder that death could be waiting around the corner for anyone on this show. He had gotten through a lot but despite all the growth that Tyreese had experienced, his exit came abruptly.

It's not that he was thrown out to the zombies and got eaten by them, he just got bit and slowly started dying. But because he was such a kind, caring and likable character and even went on a spiritual journey as he came to terms with his impending fate, his final moments are touching and painful to experience again.

3 Connie Rescuing A Baby

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

AMC's TWD season 9 regained some of its lost fandom back. There was an extremely anxiety-inducing scene that was as nail-biting as it could be because a sequence that never fails to pull on fans' heartstrings is one that involves the endangerment of babies. Here, Alpha was holding two men hostage at knifepoint because she wanted to trade them for her daughter, who was inside of Hilltop.

Moreover, she instructed the distraught Whisperer Mother to let the zombies eat her child - and this decision is already a terrifying moment. But against all odds, Connie, a deaf Hilltop resident, stepped in to try to save the little one. It was then that the sound was cut out and the audience was put in Connie's shoes, not being able to hear what's around her. Suddenly, Daryl and other survivors showed up and fans only got a rest when these guys were able to rescue them.

2 Negan Killing Glenn Mercilessly

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

This murder scene had to rank high on this list for all the (awful) reasons. Negan’s calm and funny demeanor could be scarier than anything else. But when his words turned into actions, his violence was unbelievably outrageous. The scene where he killed Glenn, a fan-favorite character, must have gotten every single viewer glued to the screen.

This monstrous villain's skills were needlessly gruesome and viewers felt repulsed - to say the least - as they watched Gleen being beaten over and over again.

1 Young Carl Had To Kill His Own Mother

The Walking Dead 10 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching

There can't be a single soul out there who didn't feel empathetic with this moment. Both Carl and Lori were definitely cherished characters and their mother-son bond was special. So, when fans tragically saw young Carl being brave enough to kill his mother to ensure she didn't "turn," it gave people all the feels.

The scene was a very emotional one as a new life (his sister Judith) had just been brought into this dangerous world while another one was about to end. Unfortunately, all efforts to keep Lori alive right after giving birth were useless and when Carl ended his mom's misery, it was, without a doubt, one of the most devastating scenes in this series' history.

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