
Friday, April 15, 2022

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

Negan hasn't found love in the apocalypse (unless you count Alpha) but if he did, here are ten potential partners that might have made good mates.

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

In the latest episode of The Walking Dead, we finally see Negan with a (sort of) love interest in Alpha. In an effort to thank him for revealing that she might have a traitor within her group, she decides to reward him by unrobing, asking him to do the same, and proceeding to offer up herself. While when we first saw Negan, we knew that he had taken some "wives" for himself, we never really saw him have any real romantic involvements with anyone. Negan has always been just about, well, Negan.

So who might have made a good partner for him had he decided to actually pursue a real love interest? Here are some options.

10 Carol

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

OK, this might sound really far-fetched, but both Carol and Negan share some similarities. Most notably, they are both willing to do whatever it takes to save their people. They can both be charming when they want to be and brutal when they need to be.

This might have made for a lot of conflict between them had they ever gotten together, and the two haven't really shared a lot of screen time. But it would likely have been a very explosively passionate relationship. And if we are to believe rumors that they might be collaborating right now to take down the Saviors, maybe there's a kinship already brewing.

9 Michonne

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

Negan already has the heart of Michonne's adoptive daughter, Judith, so it wouldn't have been tough for him to navigate being part of the family. With Rick out of the picture, presumed dead, we'd love to see Michonne find love again.

There is, of course, that little detail that Negan absolutely repulses Michonne, tried to kill her on many occasions, and is indirectly responsible for Rick's "death." They are mortal enemies, but in his presumed softened state, Negan might very well have made a suitable partner for Michonne and a great dad to the kids who would protect them at any cost.

8 Sasha

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

While Negan captured Sasha, kept her in a dark, locked cell, toyed with her emotions, and led her to commit suicide in an attempt to save her crew, it was clear he appreciated her strength, beauty, and dedication.

Had Sasha gone to the "dark side" with the Saviors, we could totally see her having been Negan's number-two and love interest. Of course, she had no interest in joining the Saviors and detested Negan so much that she was willing to end her life before she let him use her to take down her friends. Nonetheless, it was clear he would have pursued a relationship had she wanted one.

7 Rosita

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

Rosita is a true badass who didn't shy away from relationships in the apocalypse. Beyond Lori and Shane, Rosita and Abraham's tense sexual relationship was one of the first to ever be seen on the show.

She then had a baby by Siddiq and began a relationship with Gabriel. Had her journey gone differently and she ended up with the Saviors instead, she could totally have been a great confidante and love interest for Negan. He would have appreciated her skills while she would have loved (and challenged) his sense of authority.

6 Andrea

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

Andrea died long before the group ever met Negan, but she seemed to have a penchant for the bad guys, having taken up with The Governor way back when. So had the group met with the Saviors earlier, it's totally plausible that she might have had her eye on Negan, too.

Negan, once again, seemed to like strong women so he might have wanted to add her to his bevy of ladies. And Andrea wasn’t the type to be one of many, so would have fought to have him all to herself.

5 Yumiko

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

While we know that Yumiko was/is in a relationship with Magna, her sexuality hasn't been described in detail so it's possible she is bisexual and might have sparked a romance with Negan under different circumstances.

A lawyer pre-apocalypse, she has the intelligence to impress Negan while he is as badass as she is. Sure, Yumiko probably has a stronger moral compass than Negan. But if she were his love interest, she might have been able to convince him to take a different approach to leadership that could have led to more peace among groups of survivors.

4 Jadis

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

Jadis and Negan had an interesting relationship that was built partly on mutual respect but more on you do something for me and I'll do something for you. Jadis was a great leader to her group, and she clearly knew things that were going on that others didn't.

She developed crushes on Rick and then Gabriel, so it's totally plausible to think that she might have had a romantic interest in Negan, too. And he might have appreciated how she led her group. If they weren't working against one another, they might have been great as lovers.

3 Laura

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

Laura was a high-ranking member of the Saviors and one of Negan's most trusted advisors, especially after Negan was betrayed by his number-two in command, Simon.

While she has now joined Alexandria, had things worked out differently, they could have been romantically linked. Perhaps the option is still there since Negan is (sort of) a member of Alexandria as well, assuming he is only playing the Whisperers. But she would have been a perfect love interest for him had they taken that route beyond just working together.

2 Lori

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

OK, hear us out. Sure, Lori was Rick's husband. But she didn't exactly seem to wait too long before she started up a relationship with his best friend and former partner Shane when she believed Rick to be dead.

Lori was, in some ways, similar to Negan. Had Rick not been around and if things didn't work out with Shane (or he was dead) we could see her having sparked up a romance with the very man who tried to kill her husband. This isn't saying much about Lori, but she wasn't exactly a fan favorite character.

1 Lucille

The Walking Dead 10 Love Interests For Negan That Would Have Been Perfect But Never Happened

This one would never happen simply because Lucille is, well, a barbed wire bat not a human, though there was a human Lucille who was Negan's love interest in real life. They were married pre-apocalypse until Lucille sadly died from cancer.

Lucille was always Negan's one weakness, which is why he named his barbed wire bat after her and felt such a connection to it, desperate to find it when he was separated from his signature weapon. This love interest technically did happen, but the chances of it ever rekindling are nil since the real Lucille is long gone.

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