
Friday, April 15, 2022

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Fear The Walking Dead has seen a massive cast shake-up since it began five seasons ago, but how do the current cast members rank?

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Fear The Walking Dead, spin-off and prequel to AMC's The Walking Dead, is gearing up for its sixth season. And the cast has been shaken up tremendously from when it started until now.

The story initial followed Madison and her family, including husband Travis, her two kids Alicia and Nick, and her stepson Chris. They eventually came to meet people like Victor Strand and Daniel, Griselda, and Ofelia Salazar. Of those characters, only three are still alive and members of the cast. The characters include many different personalities and people of different skill levels. But how do they all rank? Here they are, from worst to best.

13 Charlie

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Yes, she's just a kid and was only protecting the people who took her in and acted as adoptive parents. But she killed Nick in cold blood when all he ever did was try to help her. And she set off a firestorm of actions that led to the death of many others, including Madison.

And while Charlie has clearly been trying to redeem herself in the eyes of the group ever since, living with the tremendous guilt she feels for what she did, she still hasn't made it into viewers' good graces just yet.

12 Morgan Jones

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Crossing over from The Walking Dead, on which Jones starred from the very first season (though he did disappear for a chunk of time, twice), Morgan has become the main character and group leader on this spin-off.

But his constant inner battle with being a brutal killer versus believing that the greater purpose is to help others, gets to be too much. His holier-than-thou persona and repetitive feel-good catchphrases have gotten stale. That said, his life hangs in the balance as viewers await to find out if he makes it out alive or not.

11 Grace

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

It was nice to see a love interest for Morgan who, since his wife died as the result of a bite, hadn't really opened up to anyone romantically or otherwise. But her story went from interesting to boring.

She worked at the power plant and was the first to warn the group about the pending reactor meltdown. Intelligent and resourceful, she fell ill and was mainly just a burden on the group the entire time. It was discovered that she was actually pregnant and not sick, so her story might get more interesting in the new season.

10 June

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

As much as viewers want to like June, now officially married to John and formally going by fake names like Laura and Naomi, there's something off-putting about her. A lone wolf for some time, feeling guilty about her daughter's death, she closed herself off to everyone.

While she has become more likable over time, there's nothing particularly compelling about the character that would make viewers like her as much as John Dorie does.

9 Sarah Rabinowitz

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Joining the cast in season four, Mo remains a mystery. She has an adoptive brother Wendell and was a marine who quit when they rejected her brother because of his disability. She loves beer and worked as a trucker alongside her brother.

The witty banter between she and her brother, and her insistence on always protecting him, makes her a likable character. Plus, she has some hilarious one-liners that make her like the Abraham of the group.

8 Luciana Galvez

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Nick fell hard for Luciana, and while she was initially hesitant about joining the group, she proved a worthy member of the team.

She sacrificed herself to save the group when she stayed behind at the oil fields in exchange for Virginia and her crew letting them go. And she has been the one to go on a lot of the runs and pull things together when needed.

7 Wendell

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Sarah's adoptive brother, Mo might be confined to a wheelchair but he is one of the most resourceful members of the team. Not only is his wheelchair totally tricked out with levers and buttons that will shoot down human and walker enemies before they get close, but Wendell always figures out a way to not be limited by his disability.

While he started off as a selfish man working alongside Sarah to lie, cheat, and steal, Morgan helped them see the error of their ways. He did a complete 180, making him increasingly more likable as the show went on.

6 Alicia Clark

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Arguably the character who has shown the most growth, Alicia began as a quiet young woman who lived in the shadow of her troubled drug addicted brother who got all of their mother's attention. But she grew to become a fierce fighter and confident leader.

But Alicia has had her moments and lost her way a few times, which makes her fall near the middle of the pack. Sometimes, her bad decisions make you want to shake your head.

5 Althea

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

While it's annoying that the group could literally be on death's door and Althea would sooner be holding her camera to get the footage than save herself from imminent death, it's hard not to respect that about her.

She is so hard-wired to be a journalist that rather than only worry about how to survive in the present, she is focused on leaving something behind for the next generation so they can understand the history of what went on and the people who lived before them. It's commendable and a quality that makes her endearing, at least once you understand her admirable intentions.

4 Dwight

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

Everyone loves a story of reinvention and people turning over a new leaf, and Dwight's crossover to this series provided just that. He was able to get some redemption for the terrible and cruel man he had become under the coercion of Negan.

On this show, he appears to be closer to who he was pre-apocalypse and is intent on finding his wife to prove it to her. He's a completely different person from who he originally was on The Walking Dead and someone fans can really get behind.

3 Victor Strand

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

He's a con artist by nature who is only out for himself. But as time goes by, it's clear that Strand, as he's called, is evolving. He not only cares about others more so than he ever did pre-apocalypse, but he's also using his gift of gab and ability to charm his way out of situations to help his friends.

Strand is also quick-witted, funny, and resourceful. He has come a long way from the pompous and arrogant man with the boat Alicia and her family met in the beginning to the more humble and selfless man he is today.

2 Daniel Salazar

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

A fan favorite from the beginning, viewers were angered when they thought Daniel was dead, left in a burning house that it seemed he did not get out of. But he did and was alive and well, returning in the fifth season after being absent for all of the fourth.

Absence, as they say, makes the heart grow fonder. Daniel's ongoing rift with Strand is hilarious as is his nonchalant demeanor that makes viewers think he's harmless when really, his terrifying history in El Salvador prepared him for the current world.

1 John Dorie

Fear The Walking Dead Ranking The Current Main Characters From Worst To Best

From the moment he showed up on the series and demonstrated his quick-shot skills, viewers loved the Western vibe John brought to the show. But it was mainly the episode about how he met June that sealed the deal.

John is a lethal shot, able to shoot off a finger from a distance (he actually did just that in an episode!) But he is also sickly sweet, the kind of person who would still sign out movies from a convenience store even though most of the world was dead, hand out candies to new people he meets, and save Scrabble letters as a sentimental gesture for his long-lost love. He has true heart that, despite the state of the world, still hasn't hardened. Yet he isn't naïve either and is one of the most skilled fighters among the cast.

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