
Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Daryl may have started out rough around the edges, but through the last ten seasons, his character has grown. However, he can still break hearts.

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

AMC's The Walking Dead is based on a series of comics written by Robert Kirkman, but one of the most popular and beloved members of the long-running television series is not featured in them. Played by Norman Reedus, and created specifically for the show, the crossbow-wielding Daryl Dixon was an instant fan favorite.

He may have started out a little rough around the edges, but through the last ten seasons, his character has grown...but it hasn't been without its ups and downs. Take a look at a list of 5 times that Daryl broke hearts, and 5 times that he made the fans love him even more than they already did.

10 Broke Hearts: When He Yelled At Carol

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

When Sophia gets separated from the group and is lost for weeks, it takes almost as much of an emotional toll on Daryl as it does on Carol.

He throws himself into the search, nearly killing himself in the process, only to find her dead and turned in Hershel's barn. Carol attempts to talk to him, but he completely snaps and loses his temper on the grieving mother in a verbally abusive tirade about how it's her fault that Sophia is dead.

9 Warmed Hearts: When He Held Baby Judith

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Born via emergency c-section, the arrival of Judith is bittersweet. Lori dies, and Judith is left without a mother and without a source of food. The moment that Daryl sees the little newborn and realizes the situation that they're in, he jumps into action.

He offers to go on a run to look for bottles and formula, because he can't let her die. "Not her." Daryl rarely smiles, but he looks like a natural cradling Judith in his arms, and his face lights up when she takes the bottle.

8 Broke Hearts: When He Put Down Merle

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

The relationship between Daryl and Merle Dixon is a complicated one. Merle is racist, abusive, and downright mean to everyone around him - including his "baby brother". Though Daryl grew up with him, it's implied that he basically raised himself, and that any part that Merle was involved in, wasn't a very good one. Through it all, he is still his brother.

When Daryl sees Merle shambling up to him as a Walker, he bursts into tears in a rare show of raw emotion. Merle gets almost close enough to kill him before Daryl puts him down.

7 Warmed Hearts: When He Gave Carol The Cherokee Rose

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Daryl isn't the biggest talker. He doesn't express emotion through deep conversation, and when he tries, he gets upset because he doesn't know how to deal with his overwhelming feelings. Carol is a mess after Sophia goes missing, and Daryl can't get either of them out of his mind.

Desperate to do something for her, he leaves Carol a Cherokee Rose. It blooms as a symbol of hope for grieving mothers who have lost their children, and he tells her that maybe this one bloomed for Sophia.

6 Broke Hearts: When He Got Drunk And Scared Beth

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Forced to separate from the group after the fall of the prison, Daryl bonds with Beth as they survive on their own. They may be alive, but Beth struggles emotionally and mentally. She lost her family, her friends, and her home - again.

Needing an escape, she convinces Daryl to help her get drunk so that she can forget things for a few hours. Beth is a happy drunk, but Daryl most definitely is not. When she starts up a playful drinking game, he screams at her about his terrible childhood, and drags her out to play target practice with a Walker.

5 Warmed Hearts: When He Learned Sign Language For Connie

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Very few people are able to work their way into Daryl's inner circle, but Connie does it without even trying. Daryl seems to feel immediately at ease, and goes out of his way to be around her.

The kindhearted deaf woman quickly becomes his friend, and Daryl makes a genuine effort to meet her on her level. Using a sign language book that he keeps in his pocket, he learns how to communicate with her in broken sign and by writing on a small note pad.

4 Broke Hearts: When He Had To Watch Beth Die

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Daryl has lost so much, and he keeps on losing. He spends weeks looking for Beth after she is kidnapped right in front of him. She eventually ends up at the hospital with Dawn's faction full of cruel police officers.

Determined to save her, Daryl gets there with the group to make the trade for her safety, when Beth is shot by Dawn. Usually so stoic and brave, Daryl openly grieves as he carries her body out of the building.

3 Warmed Hearts: When He Reunites With Carol After Terminus

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

One of the most memorable Daryl and Carol moments of the series is when they reunite after their escape from Terminus. Daryl hasn't seen Carol in weeks, and likely didn't know if he would ever see her again.

Not only does she come back, but she is responsible for helping save them all from Gareth and the cannibalistic survivors at Terminus. Daryl practically runs into her arm and hugs her tight, not caring who sees.

2 Broke Hearts: When He Tried To Save Connie

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Depressed and driven by a need to get revenge on Alpha and the rest of the Whisperers for what they did to Henry, Carol accidentally leads a small group straight into one of Alpha's traps. One of the caves collapse, leaving Connie trapped and presumably dead.

The desperation and pain on Daryl's face is heartbreaking as he struggles to use his hands to dig her out, but it's no use. Daryl is practically numb after he accepts that she's gone, and won't even express anger over it.

1 Warmed Hearts: When He Loved The Jacket Judith Gave Him

The Walking Dead 5 Times Daryl Dixon Broke Hearts (& 5 Times He Warmed Them)

Daryl has a few iconic items that represent him as a character - his crossbow, his motorcycle, and his winged vest. Daryl prepares for battle with the Whisperers, but Judith has a heartfelt gift for him before he goes.

Previously missing one of his wings, Judith fixes up his vest for her Uncle Daryl, and the joy on his face brings fans back to when he was holding her for the first time. He puts it on right away, and makes sure that she knows how much he appreciates it.

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