
Thursday, April 7, 2022

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

There are so many ways that characters have died in The Walking Dead that it’s hard to keep track of them. In the comics, bad luck is a big threat.

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

There are so many ways that characters have died in The Walking Dead that it’s hard to keep track of them. In the comics, these have been even more frequent, to the point where characters have been killed off due to an unfortunate case of bad luck.

These were only possible due to a bizarre set of circumstances that preceded them. As well as times where the person that got killed just couldn’t catch a break. One would think that zombies would be the biggest threat in the Walking Dead world but apparently, bad luck is just as deadly.

10 Father Gabriel Was Devoured By Walkers Because He Tripped And Fell

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

Father Gabriel was hardly someone who thrived in the apocalypse, remaining relatively weak and not evolving until the end. His death came in a weak manner as well, as he spotted the Whisperers arriving with their zombie horde and attempted to warn the others.

However, he ended up slipping and snapping his leg on the ladder, after which Beta arrived and “released” him by gutting Gabriel so the zombies could devour him. All this because Gabriel was too clumsy to look where he was going.

9 Judith Got Squashed By Lori- Who Fell On Her After Getting Shot

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

It appears as if Rick’s life just got worse and worse, with this being a particularly low point. As it happened, the Governor arrived to kill the inhabitants of the prison, during which a shootout and calamity broke.

Lori ran with baby Judith but got shot, which proved unlucky for the latter as her mother fell straight on her. This meant the poor baby got squashed and was killed as a result due to a stray bullet hitting her mother.

8 Andrea Got Bit By A Walker Because She Wasn't Looking

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

The death issue of Andrea is one worth reading, although the cause of her demise took place a little earlier. She died because of a zombie bite, which wouldn’t have been possible had it been the early days of the apocalypse.

The characters had only a little while ago discussed how nobody got bit anymore since they’d adapted by now, yet Andrea met her end this way when she got Eugene out of a tight spot with the walkers. She didn’t even notice the bite initially, which must have happened when she wasn’t looking.

7 Glenn Was Chosen By Negan Based On An "Eenie-Meenie" Game

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

Negan making a random choice was something the TV series left out, where he claimed he had specifically chosen Abraham. In the comics, it did come to pure luck, as Negan began playing the Eenie-Meenie game on a whim to decide who would die.

In the end, Glenn was the one who got the end of the stick, or bat in this instance, as Negan’s game finished on him and he was whacked to death by Lucille. Had Negan started from another point, Glenn would have survived.

6 Alpha's Victims Died Because They Were At The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

These were the people who had the unfortunate luck of being at the community fair when Alpha decided to infiltrate and pick anyone she could lure out of the borders to kill. It turned out to be Ezekiel, Louie, Erin, Ken, Luke, Carson, Tammy Rose, Josh, Olivia, Oscar, and Amber who had to suffer this fate.

Alpha killed these people and hung their heads on pikes to make a border between the communities and the Whisperers. All of these people would have survived had they not been at the spots Alpha found them, meaning their death came down to where they happened to be.

5 Dale Was Too Busy With Walkers To Notice One Sneaking Behind Him

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

Dale wouldn’t have died had there not been a walker that somehow went about its way undetected. He had the walker attack under control, with Dale taking the zombies out efficiently and killing all of them as it was business as usual.

However, a zombie that wasn’t part of the group Dale was facing came from behind him and took a bite before it was put down, but that was enough to spell Dale’s doom. More than likely, the zombie was attracted by the sounds of the commotion, meaning Dale died because he was being too loud in killing the other walkers.

4 Abraham Got Shot In The Eye With An Arrow Because Dwight Mistimed His Aim

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

Abraham was one of the characters who deserved his own spin-off due to being both interesting and funny. He met his untimely demise due to a case of timing, as Dwight shot out his eye by shooting an arrow from behind while Abraham kept talking without even realizing it.

While Dwight did mean to shoot Abraham, he didn’t actually aim for the eye and was just going for Abraham’s general area. This means that Abe would’ve had a good chance of surviving had Dwight not had a strange stroke of luck of hitting it in the one area that meant certain death.

3 Regina's Throat Was Slashed Because She Was Standing In Peter's Way

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

This took place in the story arc involving the characters integrating into Alexandria. The abusive Peter Anderson had beef with Rick for the latter’s romantic interest in his wife and armed himself with a knife to kill Rick.

However, he was stopped by the rest of the community members, including Regina, who attempted to calm him down. As luck would have it, Peter shoved Regina with the hand holding the knife, thereby slashing Regina’s throat and causing her to bleed to death. Had she backed off and done nothing, she would have stayed alive.

2 Sherry's Neck Snapped Due To Taking A Stumble

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

After the Whisperers’ attack on Alexandria, Sherry, who was the new leader of the Saviors, took her group to invade the community. Rick managed to convince her to sit down for a discussion, only for Sherry to attack and attempt to strangle him.

Rick pushed Sherry off to save himself but caused her to crash into a table behind her and snap her neck. Her death was so sudden that she had been killed before Rick could even get up, and it was pure luck that the table just happened to be there when Rick pushed Sherry.

1 Amy Was Shredded Due To Using The Bathroom Where A Walker Was Hiding

10 Walking Dead Characters Killed By Dumb Luck (In The Comics)

This one definitely comes down to luck, as the zombie in question was the man that had shot Rick before the apocalypse. Somehow, he ended up at the camp of survivors Rick was a part of, including Amy, who went to Dale’s RV to use the bathroom.

While Reggie wasn’t the strongest of zombies, he had the advantage of a surprise attack -- since no one would expect a zombie to be around a bathroom -- and bit into Amy so severely that she was shredded and died due to blood loss. As it turned out, going to the bathroom was the reason for her demise, not to mention the bizarre likelihood of Rick’s former foe being a zombie in the vicinity.

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